The compilation of participation results for the 18e edition of the Défi OSEntreprendre is now over, and the winners for the MRC Matawinie are now known! A total of five (5) local winners in the Matawinie MRC business start-up category. Another MRC company is also in the running for the regional Réussite inc. award.
The local winners for the Matawinie MRC are :
Category Farming, processing, production
Michelle Lambert, for DOGGIIIZZ et compagnons, Sainte-Béatrix
Manufacture of products for pets with mobility difficulties.
Biofood category
Isabelle Donato, for Ferme Apicole Camielle, Saint-Jean-de-Matha
Offers beekeeping products that respect the environment, food safety and animal health.
Business Services category
Pierre Mongeon, for OClair Environnement, Sainte-Béatrix
Environmental protection services specific to water management.
Trade category
Laëtitia Baconnais and Sébastien Couture, for Lcuisine, Rawdon
Design of tasty, healthy and varied dishes, prepared with care and delivered to your home every week.
Individual services category
Johanie Chevrette, for Cuisine Newzone
Kitchen cabinet refacing service, using an economical, fast and environmentally friendly method.
The local Défi OSEntreprendre en Matawinie committee is made up of a representative from the Service de développement local et régional (SDLR) de la MRC Matawinie and the Société d'aide au développement de la collectivité (SADC) Matawinie. The latter oversaw the competition at local level, and oversaw the formation of a jury committee made up of local and regional players. Projects were evaluated according to a number of criteria, including market analysis, business plan, financial and marketing plan, as well as the entrepreneurial profile of the promoter(s). At a press conference, the committee proudly unveiled the companies that have distinguished themselves over the past year. The winners are among the 124 business and youth entrepreneurship projects submitted in Lanaudière.
About the OSEntreprendre Challenge
The aim of the Défi OSEntreprendre is to support the development of entrepreneurship in Quebec by rewarding concrete initiatives in both the Student Entrepreneurship and Business Creation segments, throughout the province. Through its Business Creation program, the Défi encourages entrepreneurs in the early stages of business start-up to present their business projects, and thus contribute to their development.
An operation of this scale requires the financial participation of major partners. At the national level, we would like to highlight the unfailing support of Desjardins Group, presenting partner, the Quebec government, title partner, Les Affaires, Vidéotron Service Affaires, the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, Gaz Métro, the Ordre des CPA du Québec and Saputo.
Locally, we count on the support of the SADC and SDLR- MRC Matawinie, as well as the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Matawinie for the Student Entrepreneurship component. We would also like to mention our support in coordinating the Défi régional with Lanaudière économique.
The regional winners will be announced shortly...
This year's Regional Gala will be held on wednesday may 4 at Salle St-Jean-Bosco, Saint-Charles-Borromée. This will be an opportunity to reward the winners of the Challenge, and to share in the excitement and emotion of all the young students and new entrepreneurs who will have the joy of seeing their project rewarded, and who will celebrate the accomplishment of their efforts.