10 000 $
Maximum contribution
The loan finances professional fees or training to improve company performance or solve a one-off, non-recurring problem.

It can also be used to finance investment in the development of information and communications technologies (ICT).
Specifications :
- Minimum contribution of 1,000 $
- Maximum 75 % of eligible unsubsidized costs
- Down payment: 15 %
- Term: Maximum 24 months
- Interest rate: CDIC base rate + risk premium
- Guarantees: Personal or third-party surety
- The company must have been in operation for at least 2 years.
*Interest rate set according to the Bank of Canada’s prime rate plus 2%
For more information on our financial products or our free advisory service for entrepreneurs, please contact one of our business advisors.
- Tip sheet : Shopkeepers, Plug in!
- Your site.ca : Toolbox and Web solutions for Quebec SMEs!
- SAEC training : Part-time training
- CIETECH : https://www.cietech.ca/fr
- Cégep Business Services : Courses 2$/hour - Subsidized online and distance courses Formation | Cégep de Lanaudière cegep-lanaudiere.qc.ca