A few places are still available, so hurry!
Each module can be taken individually, and entries are continuous. RESERVE YOUR PLACE!
The next module starts on January 5, 2014.
The Société d'aide au développement de la collectivité (SADC) Matawinie and the Association forestière de Lanaudière (ALF), in collaboration with the Service aux entreprises et à la communauté of the Centre multiservices des Samares, are proud to offer this year's 2nd edition of the identification and harvesting of non-timber forest products training program. This training aims to improve
knowledge of people who want to work with commercially interesting non-timber forest products. To provide them with a varied and comprehensive knowledge base focused on identification and harvesting, with professionals from our region. A resounding success last year, with 26 participants, the course returns this year with a number of new features, including a course on growing under forest cover and artisanal processing: basket-making, soap-making and the use of essential oils .
Duration : 294 hours (4 modules)
Training courses are given on weekends and modules can be followed individually.
Cost : 175$ / module
Location: Saint-Félix-de-Valois
Module 1 (August 10 to October 5, 2013) Module 3 (January 5 to March 2, 2014)
Module 2 (October 19 to December 15, 2013) Module 4 (March 9 to June 14, 2014)
Main topics covered
Mycology, permaculture, forest ecology and ecosystems, edge and field plants, trees and shrubs, northern nuts, berries, NTFPs before and after logging, orientation, business start-ups, forest regulations, hygiene and sanitation, inventory techniques, medicinal plants, artisanal processing.
Those who complete all four modules will receive a certificate from the Commission scolaire des Samares' Service aux entreprises et à la communauté.
Please contact us to find out how to apply, what documents are required and the selection process.
For registration or information
Emmanuelle Lefebvre, SADC Matawinie
T. 450 883-0717, ext. 222 or Cell. 450 898-5335 │elefebvre@matawinie.qc.ca
This course would not be the same without the contribution of our trainers: Yvan Perreault, Benoit Michaud, Frédéric Plante, Geneviève Longère, Anny Malo, Diane Bernard, Domingo Cisneros, Francis Lacelle and Jean-François Lévêque. We would also like to thank our regional partners who believe in the economic potential of NTFPs and support their emergence. For this second edition, we can count on the financial support of the Service aux entreprises et à la communauté of the Centre multiservice des Samares, the Centre local de développement (CLD) Matawinie and the MNA for Joliette, Mme Véronique Hivon and the SADC de d'Autray-Joliette. We would also like to thank the municipality of Saint-Félix-de-Valois, host of the training, as well as all the companies and individuals who collaborated in any way with the training. Thank you all, and the adventure continues!
In closing, we'd like to take a brief look at the emergence of this sector in the Lanaudière region, and show that things are moving forward. Three companies have emerged in the agroforestry sector over the past year: Forest basket (Saint-Zénon), coopérative de solidarité Matawinie (COOPSOM) and La belle aux bois gourmand (Joliette). They are closely following the training program, having attended presentations, and are counting on it to ensure the recruitment of a quality workforce with skills that meet their needs. As for the regional partners, a concertation table has been set up, initiated by the Conseil de développement bioalimentaire de Lanaudière, and is working on concertation, monitoring the progress of projects and representing them at the European level.PlanCoursPFNL2013-2014_0713We are also involved in the development of a provincial NTFP policy. A number of initiatives have been undertaken by the table and its partners, including a code of ethics for NTFP harvesting and a list of commercially valuable non-timber forest products.
Admission requirements and registration procedure
Press release 1st edition of NTFP training - June 16, 2013