A success for the 1st edition of Salon Emploi Matawinie

A successful first job market for Salon Emploi Matawinie


The very first Salon Emploi Matawinie was a real success. Held on March 15 at the Centre Communautaire Rodriguais, the event was well received by visitors, many of whom turned out to meet the companies on site.

The very first edition welcomed over 165 visitors, who came to meet the managers of the 19 companies present, who had over 245 positions to fill in multiple sectors of activity, and requiring different levels of training or experience. Individual assistance organizations were also on hand to offer information and advice to visitors.

The Salon Emploi Matawinie organizing committee, made up of the Chambre de commerce de la Haute-Matawinie, the Société d'aide au développement de la
Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Matawinie, the Rawdon Services Québec office and the Centre local d'emploi de St-Jean-de-Matha, was very proud of the success of this very first edition.

The event was set up to match the labour needs of local companies with the skills of job seekers. For more information, visit the website at : https://salonemploimatawinie.ca


The Salon Emploi Matawinie organizing committee



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