As a testament to the creativity, audacity and passion present in the 17 regions of Quebec, OSEntreprendre is today launching the 21e edition of the OSEntreprendre Challenge.
The regional organizing committee invites school staff who have carried out an entrepreneurial project with their students, as well as students and entrepreneurs, to register for this major competition before 4 p.m. on March 12, via the Osentreprendre website at
700,000 $ price | A ton of pride
OSEntreprendre MOBILIZES a large network of partners to RAYON entrepreneurial initiatives and INSPIRE more people to believe in themselves and dare to undertake.
This year's honorary president, Marie-Christine Tremblay, owner of Kabania, was proudly unveiled to attendees at the launch on February 21. A former participant in the contest in 2010, Ms. Tremblay is an inspiring role model for the next generation of entrepreneurs. She gladly accepted the honorary presidency, because she believes above all in local businesses. "Buying from Quebec and consuming locally is the basis of a healthy, sustainable economy," says Ms. Tremblay.
For his part, high school student Alix Bilodeau acted as spokesperson for the Student Entrepreneurship section of the Défi Osentreprendre Lanaudière. Last year's national winner with his PAINTBALL project, the 16-year-old entrepreneur was proud of his association with this major Quebec movement.
1 contest, three (3) sections
The Student Entrepreneurship component supports the development of an entrepreneurial spirit by highlighting students who carry out entrepreneurial initiatives over the course of the year (July 2018-June 2019).
The Business Creation component is aimed at people aged 18 and over who are in the early stages of realizing their business project. Business projects must not have generated sales revenue before April 1, 2018, and must start up no later than December 31, 2019.
The Réussite Inc. section is aimed at companies that have already taken part in the Défi OSEntreprendre, known until 2015 as the Québec Entrepreneurship Contest, from the 1st edition (1999-2000) to the 15th (2012-2013).
Three (3) levels... 3 levels of visibility
Three selection stages are necessary to determine the national winners of the OSEntreprendre Challenge. Participants who pass the first local selection stage, at the MRC or school level, will see their project analyzed again at the regional level. An awards evening will be held on May 1, 2019 to crown the regional winners, who will move on to the final stage of national selection.
Over 20,000 $ in bursaries will be awarded in the Lanaudière region at the regional gala. Regional winners will receive bursaries worth 500 $ in the Student Entrepreneurship category, 1,000 $ in the Business Creation category and 5,000$ in the Success Inc. category, as well as regional visibility in the Lexis Média and La Revue newspapers. All projects entered as regional finalists are eligible for special awards ranging from 250 $ to 1,000 $.
About the OSEntreprendre Challenge
OSEntreprendre's mission is to inspire the entrepreneurial spirit that will help build a proud, innovative, committed and prosperous Quebec. Its main activity, the Défi OSEntreprendre, is a major Quebec movement that showcases the entrepreneurial initiatives of students from primary school to university, as well as those of entrepreneurs. It is made possible by the financial commitment of visionary partners: Desjardins Group, presenting partner, the Québec government, title partner, the Ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur, the Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation, the Secrétariat à la jeunesse, the Secrétariat à la condition féminine, Québecor, Vidéotron Affaires, Énergir, the Ordre des CPA du Québec, Saputo, Spektrum Media and Les Affaires.
Registration opens !
From now until March 12, 2019, elementary and high school students, college and university students and entrepreneurs are invited to make their projects shine by registering for the OSEntreprendre Challenge.
La 21e edition will culminate on June 12, 2019 with the national gala in Quebec City, and between now and then, hundreds of local and regional finals will celebrate the audacity of people who bring their ideas to life! with the national gala in Quebec City, and between now and then, hundreds of local and regional finals will celebrate the audacity of people who take action:
Contact the regional manager for more information
Julie Miron, Business Advisor, SADC MATAWINIE
Telephone: (450) 883-0717 ext. 225
Toll-free: 1-888-880-7824
E-mail :