The Matawinie Commercial Study is off to a flying start!

The public is invited to vote for one of the 8 participating municipalities.

Matawinie commercial studyThe Société d'aide au développement de la collectivité (SADC) Matawinie, announces the start of a vast consultation campaign on the commercial needs of its territory. Starting in March 2016, anyone concerned by the commercial and service business offer will be able to express their needs and contribute to improving the current offer. You will be able to express your views via an online survey, or through numerous local consultations to be held in the eight (8) participating municipalities.

This project has 3 concrete objectives, namely to facilitate the start-up of new entrepreneurial projects, enhance the service offering of existing businesses and, ultimately, revitalize the living environment. Following the consultation phase, which will run from March to June, the results will be disseminated and integrated into a website presenting the main business opportunities arising from the study. This site will serve as a reference point for all business projects in Matawinie, as well as providing tools to stimulate and support entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs in their endeavours. The participating municipalities are Saint-Damien, Saint-Donat, Saint-Jean-de-Matha, Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci, Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, Sainte-Émélie-de-l'Énergie, Saint-Félix-de-Valois and Chertsey.

The municipalities will be able to count on SADC Matawinie's new project manager, Charlène Guertin, to bring this project to fruition. "I was delighted to accept this second mandate in Matawinie. I see it as an excellent opportunity for our communities to attract businesses that meet real needs, and to make our village centers even more dynamic," says Ms. Guertin.

Radio interview on M103.5February 25, 2016- With Charlène Guertin, project manager and Gaétan Morin, Matawinie MRC prefect

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Emmanuelle Lefebvre (development and communications officer), Jonathan Landreville (general manager), Charlène Guertin (commercial study project manager), SADC Matawinie



Take part in the study now!

Whether you're a citizen, cottager or worker, anyone concerned about the MRC de la Matawinie's commercial offering is invited to share their opinion via the online survey. Several participation prizes are up for grabs, with a total value of 4,000$.


Participate button


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