The MRC de Matawinie and Connexion Matawinie unveiled, on October 2, 2019, in front of several partners, elected officials from the region and federal election candidates, the largest regional fiber optic project in Quebec. After conducting a feasibility study in 2017, the MRC obtained the approval of its 15 constituent municipalities for the construction of a fiber optic network across the entire territory. The aim is to enable all Matawinie residents and merchants to have the world at their fingertips.
Completion of this project will require the installation of 2,700 km of fiber optic cable, serving 42,500 homes and businesses. To facilitate the management of this major project, the MRC created the NPO Connexion Matawinie and entrusted it with the management of the construction and administration of the fiber optic network. Connexion Matawinie's mission is to promote local and regional development in the Matawinie RCM by ensuring that all citizens, businesses and industries on its territory have access to broadband telecommunications services (Internet, television and telephony).
" It's no secret that access to a high-speed Internet connection is a major issue in today's rural communities. Living in a rural area means that high-speed Internet access is not available everywhere. "Sylvain Breton, prefect of the Matawinie RCM and president of Connexion Matawinie. " It's our duty to promote the implementation of an innovative network that will benefit all citizens and businesses in the Matawinie region. Our project is fair and inclusive for all; wherever there is currently an electricity pole in Matawinie, there will be a high-speed fiber Internet connection within a few years. "he continues.
It's important to note that this network will be public, which means that the fiber optic network will belong to the 15 municipalities of the Matawinie region, and that several telecom companies will be able to use it for service distribution. In fact, following a public call for interest, an initial partnership agreement has been signed with COOPTEL, the first carrier authorized to offer its services on the future fiber optic network.
The Matawinie RCM has obtained a $55 million loan from MAMAH (Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'habitation) and MEI (Ministère de l'Économie et de l'innovation) to carry out the work required to build the network. When the loan is repaid, the royalties will be reinvested in the MRC's 15 municipalities.
In addition to the support of its future customers, Connexion Matawinie hopes to receive financial backing from both levels of government. The organization hopes to take advantage of the current federal election campaign to raise awareness among the political parties, so that the issue of Internet access for all becomes a determining factor. Also, with a view to the eventual announcement of the terms and conditions of the Legault government's financial assistance program to connect the regions, Connexion Matawinie mentions its desire to obtain major financial support when this program becomes a reality.
" Our team is working hard to ensure that our entire MRC is connected to fibre optics as quickly as possible. "says Caroline Cormier, General Manager of Connexion Matawinie. " This project will undoubtedly have a major economic, social and tourism impact on our area. In addition to offering an essential service to residents, it will help businesses increase their productivity and much more! We hope it will inspire many businesses and residents to settle in the Matawinie region, because it will finally be possible to be connected to a fast, reliable network, and thus be permanently connected. "she concludes.
For more information about Connexion Matawinie and its fiber optic project, visit or call 450 834-5441.
Source :
Julie Beauséjour
COMME JULIE communication
450 421-1410
Information :
Sylvain Breton, Prefect
Matawinie RCM
450 820-6274
Caroline Cormier, General Manager
Matawinie Connection
438 275-8280