Left to right: Jean-Paul Dubreuil, André Dutremble, Guy Lachance, Louise Despard, Richard Fredette, Diane Berton, Daniel Petitjean
On Tuesday, May 12, 2015, the Town Hall of the municipality of Saint-Damien hosted the launch of the activities of the Corporation de développement de Saint-Damien inc. Attended by guests from the local business community and community organizations, the event was designed to bring people together and, above all, to mobilize them. The presence of so many local and regional elected officials was a clear indication that Saint-Damien is already counting on a great deal of support in its efforts to revitalize the area.
Because St-Damien isn't what it used to be. In fact, forty years have passed since the closure in 1975 of Grenache, its main business, and the major restructuring of the forestry industry. Once dynamic, the local economy suffered a major blow. The descent had begun and continued. The working population shrank and aged, a consequence of the lack of jobs available in the region.
Attracted by a new lifestyle, summer residents, now retired, have settled in Saint-Damien in recent years. These newcomers bring a different perspective to the development of their community, and a beneficial sense of community involvement. Saint-Damien is getting back on its feet, but nothing is certain. On the other hand, you can feel in the air that things are about to change.
The relaunch
The relaunch of the Corporation de développement de Saint-Damien is an essential tool for revitalizing the municipality's economy, attracting new citizens and new businesses, and broadening its tax base to preserve the quality of life of its citizens and, in so doing, maintain quality services at an affordable cost. Its primary objective, economic development, is to breathe new life into the municipality and ensure its sustainability.
A privileged partner of the municipality, the Corporation intends to respond to the major issues identified in the strategic development plan tabled by the municipal council in January 2015. To this end, it will undertake actions aimed at promoting Saint-Damien, developing new businesses, whether commercial, social economy or cooperative, and establishing partnerships designed to consolidate the local economy. ''We will assume our leadership role with the municipality in the pursuit of its development and occupation of its territory.says Richard Fredette, President of the Corporation, with conviction.
The Corporation's activities will be carried out in accordance with the Municipality of Saint-Damien's strategic development plan (www.st-damien.com) and its general objectives. The establishment and start-up of the Corporation is a positive signal to the population regarding the future development of their municipality. The Corporation's activities are overseen by a Board of Directors made up of elected municipal officials and community representatives.
General objectives
Promote the growth and development of recreational tourism and resort activities
Insure the enhancement and development of public lands within the municipality;
Set up projects or infrastructures likely to enhance the municipality's attractiveness as a place to live;
Develop with the community's unique cultural and tourist attractions
Promoting the Municipality of Saint-Damien
Campaign in collaboration with the municipality;
Commissioning website.
Supporting local economic development
Initiate projects on their own and/or in partnership with the community;
Conclude agreements with government institutions for their implementation;
Support business people in the realization of their projects.
Encourage and support business start-ups
Support local shops and services;
Press commercial, social economy and cooperative start-ups;
Promote grouping of companies to carry out a specific economic activity.
Advise the municipality on its development and use of its territory
Management of the Corporation is overseen by a Board of Directors made up of elected municipal officials and community representatives. Mr. Sylvain Galarneau has been hired as General Manager to manage administrative activities and develop projects in line with the Corporation's objectives.
Corporation de développement de Saint-Damien inc.
2080 Taschereau Street
Saint-Damien (Québec)
J0K 2E0