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The five mentoring cells for entrepreneurs in the Lanaudière region joined forces to present a networking event under the theme: Le Mentorat, une écoute sans tabou pour l'entrepreneur. The event brought together some 50 mentors, mentees and partners at the Montcalm Golf Club on the morning of April 28. It was an opportunity for participants to share their mentoring experiences, and for those interested in the service to learn more about the subject.
Mentoring for entrepreneurs is a coaching relationship based on listening, trust and mutual respect. Listening is an essential quality in mentoring, which is why this event focuses on this theme. François Lavallée, organizational biologist and mentor with the Cellule de mentorat de l'Assomption, quoted Stephen R. Covey: "Most people don't listen with the intention of understanding, they listen with the intention of responding. At the event, a workshop was therefore offered to encourage the development of active listening, and enable participants to exchange more effectively with others. This was followed by a lively panel discussion, during which all participants were able to discuss the success factors of a good mentoring relationship and get all the answers to their questions about the service.
Did you know?
Mentoring is a powerful tool for the development of entrepreneurs and greatly enhances their chances of success. The figures show that, on average, entrepreneurs who use the mentoring service see their chances of success increase from 34 to 73 % in the first 5 years.. It is therefore a great added value for the development of entrepreneurs' soft skills, as well as for the success of the company. Through a dyad with an experienced entrepreneur, mentees can increase their confidence in their abilities, clarify their vision, better plan and manage their priorities, better manage their stress and improve their leadership skills.
Mentoring is based on the voluntary involvement of experienced entrepreneurs, and the openness of new entrepreneurs wishing not only to develop their business, but also their entrepreneurial skills. This event demonstrated the dynamism and wonderful synergy that reigns in the Cellules de Mentorat de Lanaudière. The organizers would like to thank the Ministère de l'économie et de l'innovation, a major partner of the event.
Anyone interested in mentoring is invited to contact the entrepreneur mentoring unit in their area:
Montcalm MRC Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Caroline Imbeault, Interim Coordinator
450 839-9218, ext. 702
Les Moulins Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Terbonne | Mascouche)
Suzanne Dauphin, Mentoring Service Coordinator
514 606-6783 |
Cienov (MRC de l'Assomption)
François Forest, Head of Mentoring 514 586-0899 |
CJE de d'Autray-Joliette
Jacques Plante, Business Mentoring Coordinator 450 755-2226 ext. 103
SADC Matawinie
Emmanuelle Lefebvre, Economic Development Advisor 450 883-0717, ext. 222
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