20,000$ in prizes to be won in Lanaudière!
From now on, students and entrepreneurs are invited to register for the 16th edition of the Concours québécois en entrepreneuriat Lanaudière, throughout the territory covered by the region's six MRCs. Students and new entrepreneurs of all ages are invited to submit their entrepreneurial projects to this prestigious competition.
"When you're starting out in business, you have to avoid isolation at all costs! This contest is the ideal opportunity to showcase yourself to the rest of the population, and to demonstrate the profound pleasure and achievements that entrepreneurship generates!" proudly states Jean-Sébastien Martin, honorary president of this 16th edition for the greater Lanaudière region. Mr. Martin is co-founder of the Chasse-Galerie in Lavaltrie and winner of the Prix Arts-Affaires at the last Grands Prix Desjardins de la culture.
Submit your application in one of the two competition sections
- All Quebec residents aged 18 and over with Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status who are seriously considering starting a business.
- Business projects or companies that did not generate sales revenue before April 1, 2013.
- Projects aimed at creating a company in Quebec with a start-up date no later than December 31, 2014.
- Pupils and students from primary school to university who have set up entrepreneurial projects enabling them to develop their entrepreneurial values.
- School or extracurricular entrepreneurial projects carried out and completed during the year, i.e. from June 2013 to June 2014 (special cases must be approved by the national organization to be eligible). The majority of project activities must have begun before the March 17, 2014 registration deadline, so that the development of students' entrepreneurial values can be assessed and validated.
Three levels of juries determine the Competition's national winners: local, regional and national. At the local level, a jury is set up in each of the region's six MRCs to evaluate the entries and determine the local winners. At the second selection stage, the winners are crowned at a regional gala and sent on to the national level, where 500,000 $ in prizes will be offered.
Online registration. A simple contest!
Registration deadline: Monday, March 17, 2014, 4 p.m.
Contact one of our business advisors. He will help you put together your file. 450 883-0717 sadc@matawinie.qc.ca
The 15th edition
Last year, 1,725 Lanaudière residents took part in the Contest. In the Business Creation category, a record 51 projects were submitted. In the Student Entrepreneurship section, 96 projects were submitted. Last but not least, for the second year in three, the Lanaudière region won the Regional Commitment Award.
About the Québec Entrepreneurship Contest
The Québec Entrepreneurship Contest is a non-profit organization administered by a Board of Directors made up of partners, collaborators and representatives from the educational and socioeconomic sectors. To achieve its objectives, the organization organizes the annual Québec Entrepreneurship Contest. The organization's mission is to develop Quebec's entrepreneurial culture through the deployment and recognition of new businesses and entrepreneurial projects in schools. To this end, the Québec Entrepreneurship Contest aims to mobilize stakeholders in the education sector and the socioeconomic network. It is open to all Quebec residents.
The Contest is organized in Quebec's 17 administrative regions, and takes place at three levels: local, regional and national. At the local level, it is organized by socio-economic development organizations, school boards, private and government schools, colleges and universities. Local winners become regional finalists, and regional winners represent Quebec's 17 regions at the national level.
Press release: A competition to showcase the next generation of entrepreneurs! Launch of the 16th Concours québécois en entrepreneuriat Lanaudière