Saint-Jacques, October 5, 2020 - Lanaudière Économique invites unrelated young farmers from all regions of Quebec, as well as owners wishing to develop unused agricultural assets (land, buildings, etc.), transfer their farm business or find business partners in the region, to contact the L'ARTERRE DE LANAUDIÈRE networking service. This service is offered free of charge, thanks to financial assistance from the Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation as part of the Territoire : Priorités bioalimentaires program, and to the contributions and involvement of Lanaudière's MRCs and SADCs, for a third year in Lanaudière's MRCs.

Using the L'ARTERRE service, Luc Blanchet was able to realize his dream of acquiring farmland last spring to launch his diversified ecological orchard project in Saint-Lin-Laurentides in the Montcalm RCM. Thanks to this support and networking service, the aspiring farmer was able to meet with a landowner particularly interested in supporting young farmers. The process wasn't easy or quick. On the contrary, he had to draw up a business plan, and get to know and meet the various regional players who could help him in this process. However, to make things easier for him, Isabelle Hardy, L'ARTERRE Lanaudière's networking agent, was invaluable in the process, referring him directly to the appropriate professionals throughout.
"I would recommend this service to any aspiring farmer or owner/farmer wishing to help the next generation of farmers. Access to land is now easier thanks to them. The networking agent has always worked very hard to guide me to the right resources and documentation. She continues to do so even after the project has started," says Luc Blanchet, co-owner of Ferme aux mille et un fruits.
Lanaudière's L'ARTERRE service has 56 aspiring farmers who have expressed an interest in setting up a farming project in the region. In addition, 43 aspiring farmers registered by other regions have chosen Lanaudière as their base. In addition, 42 landowners propose agricultural assets in the database. These assets represent more than 703 ha of arable land, including 32 ha of fallow land, and at least 429 ha of woodland with buildings and machinery.
To date, eleven twinnings have been completed. In addition to acquiring land, as was the case for Luc Blanchet, the other twins have been able to obtain leasing or partnership agreements to support them in starting up their businesses.
Thanks to the financial support of various regional partners, the L'ARTERRE service in Lanaudière is assured for the next three years.
ARTERRE is accessible in 15 regions and 78 regional county municipalities (RCMs), with a team of 40 network agents forming the network. To find out more, visit the website
Lanaudière Économique is a non-profit organization whose mission is to respond to common local economic development issues and contribute to the prosperity and influence of Lanaudière by promoting synergy between economic development players.
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Source :
Isabelle Hardy, B.Sc. Agronomy
Agente régionale de développement agricole Lanaudière Économique
104 rue St-Jacques, Saint-Jacques (QC) J0K 2R0 T: 450 365-9218 ext.3
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