Congratulations to Groupe Bibeau, Saint-Félix-de-Valois, for the Leader à l'exportation award

Outstanding Lanaudière companies honored at 17th annual Mercador awards ceremony

Eight Lanaudière companies, all boldly rising to the challenges of international markets, were honored at the 17e MercadOr annual awards ceremony organized by the Société de développement international de Lanaudière (SODIL) and its partners.

Congratulations to Groupe Bibeau, winner of the Leader à l'exportation award!

Bibeau Group representatives and dignitaries
Bibeau Group representatives and dignitaries

Bibeau logoBibeau VEGAS Bibeau VEGAS


Visit Bibeau Group, manufacturer of tippers based in Saint-Félix-de-Valois, was awarded the Export leader for increasing its sales outside Quebec by 25 % last year, while generating 66 % of its sales in the United States and 31 % in the rest of Canada.


Intelia logo


InteliaIn the New exporter, the joliettaine company Intelia has made a name for itself through the quality of its partnerships abroad. Carefully considered choices have enabled this company, which develops and manufactures electronic products for animal production, to triple its export sales in just one year. It now represents 35 % of the company's total sales, which have doubled.

Xpertdoc TechnologiesXpertdoc LogoXpertdocXpertdoc was the winner in Market diversification for adopting a strategy of geographic and vertical growth that has enabled it to record a quarterly increase in sales of 200 %. Yesterday's award is one of many recently won by this Terrebonne-based company, which is not afraid to take on the big players in the American market.

ITRS Logo ITRS ITRSAnother Terrebonne company, the International Tire Repair Solutions (commonly referred to as "ITRS"), was the subject of a Favourite not only for doubling its export sales last year, but above all for the nature of its offering. By teaching its giant-tire customers how to repair their equipment rather than simply selling them merchandise, ITRS has been a forerunner in Africa and South America. A financial and environmental boost for a multitude of customers!

Finally, a mention Innovation / Hope was awarded to the four Lanaudière companies that took part in Empreinte québécoise, a co-development project that produced a guide defining Quebec identity in furniture design. Ateliers St Jean (Berthierville), Jaymar (Terrebonne), Boomrang furniture (Repentigny) and Vanico-Maronyx (Terrebonne). The aim was to create a distinctive tool to meet the challenges of international competition.

"Marc-André Desjardins, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SODIL and General Manager of Laval-based Devolutions, points out that the MercadOr awards are all about promoting the work of local entrepreneurs on the international stage. These awards demonstrate the importance of integrating exporting relatively early in the various stages of a business plan. They also confirm that the export market smiles on those who know how to innovate and think outside the box. In awarding them, we want to do more than simply highlight the excellence of the strategic work carried out by our prizewinners. We're giving them a tool that gives them additional visibility, and we're encouraging them to say loud and clear that they've been chosen.

The MercadOr Awards are an initiative supported by Export Development Canadathe National Bankthe Ministry of the Economy, Innovation and Exports and SODIL.


The Société de développement international de Lanaudière (SODIL) is the region's export commissioner. Member of International Trade QuébecIt acts as a specialized one-stop shop for Lanaudière entrepreneurs, serving as a regional force for SMEs in the international arena. Visit Ministry of the Economy, Innovation and Exports and Canada Economic Development are among our annual economic partners.

Detailed profiles and official photos of the winners :

Groupe Bibeau, 2015 MercadOr Award Winner, Export Leader
Intelia, Winner 2015 MercadOr, New exporter
Xpertdoc, 2015 MercadOr winner, Market diversification
ITRS, Winner 2015 MercadOr, Coup de cœur
Empreinte québécoise, MercadOr Innovation / Espoir award

Information :
Isabelle Limoges
General Manager and International Commissioner, SODIL
Tel.: 450 841-1199, ext. 301
Cell. : 438 495-1188

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