Hooked on School Days: Lanaudière celebrates in style

Official photo of the Lanaudière Hooked on School Days
Official photo of the Lanaudière Hooked on School Days

SADC Matawinie is proud to support the promotion of the Lanaudière Hooked on School Days.

From February 10 to 14, Quebec will be invaded by a wave of encouragement aimed at supporting young people in their school careers. For the sixth consecutive year, at the invitation of the Comité régional pour la valorisation de l'éducation (CREVALE), the Lanaudière region is taking part in the Hooked on School Days (JPS). Staying in school is a real social issue. More than one in four young Quebecers will not have obtained a diploma by the age of 20, which underlines the importance of maintaining efforts to encourage young people to stay in school and graduate. Studies show that every student who perseveres and obtains a first qualifying diploma will have better living conditions and a longer life expectancy. This year, the region broke its participation record. A total of 406 organizations, including 154 OSER-JEUNES-certified employers, are taking part in this sixth edition. All are demonstrating their originality in promoting school perseverance and its determinants, encouraging young people and adults in training, and valuing education. CREVALE invites the public to join in the celebrations and participate in large numbers. For detailed programming in your MRC, see other text or visit crevale.org.


This great wave of support will also flood social media. People will be able to follow Lanaudière's activities and show their support on facebook.com/crevale, facebook.com/oserjeunes and youtube.com/crevale, where daily photos and videos will be uploaded.

See article: Hooked on School Days Matawinie MRC celebrates in style

Participate, encourage, inform

Every young person needs encouragement, every day... even the older ones! Staying in school is a daily challenge. PSD is a time to mobilize, to encourage young people and help them think about their career goals. A note in the lunchbox, a conversation during a meal at home or at work, many small gestures can make a difference. You can send a word of encouragement in just a few clicks by visiting crevale.org. Other means are also available to Lanaudière residents:

  • Activities organized by schools are a good way for parents to show their support for their child. Several organizations have chosen to distribute information tools. Consult the list of registered organizations at crevale.org
  • Wearing the green and white ribbon means showing your support for school success. Get yours, free of charge, at most libraries in the region.
  • M103.5 FM's morning hosts will read listeners' words of encouragement on the air to highlight the perseverance of a loved one. Send us your text by e-mail or phone.
  • With the collaboration of the Samares and Affluents school boards, Forum jeunesse Lanaudière and Enfance libre Lanaudière, CREVALE has made available a workshop for young people and three conferences for parents. Find out more about the schedule of conferences and workshops taking place throughout the month of February at crevale.org. Admission is free.


Taking action

Studies clearly demonstrate the positive effect on academic success of actions or initiatives designed to increase our involvement with young people, from preschool through to the end of secondary school. The perseverancescolaire.com website has listed the main ones:

  • Set an example, encourage effort and reward success;
  • Offer or find help if your child is having trouble at school;
  • Encourage reading from an early age;
  • Keep up to date with what he or she is experiencing at school;
  • Regularly express the importance you attach to school;
  • Regularly express your belief in his ability to succeed.


To find out about all the participating organizations, get information, download tools or continue your reflection on student retention, visit the CREVALE website (crevale.org).


CREVALE is funded by a partnership agreement on the promotion of education endorsed by the Commissions scolaires des Samares, des Affluents and Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier, the Cégep régional de Lanaudière, the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, the Table éducation de Lanaudière, the Conférence régionale des élu(e)s de Lanaudière, the Forum jeunesse Lanaudière, the Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Lanaudière, the regional offices of the Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport and the Ministère des Affaires municipales, des Régions et de l'Occupation du territoire. Other partners contributing to CREVALE's funding include Réunir Réussir and Emploi Québec.


PHOTO LEGEND : The children of Christ-Roi school join CREVALE's Board of Directors and team in inviting the public to celebrate Hooked on School Days. From left to right, 2e row : Daniel Forest (Commission scolaire des Affluents), Nancy Lapointe (Commission scolaire des Samares), Lorraine Dépelteau (Cégep régional de Lanaudière), Julie Gravel (Centre de santé et de services sociaux du sud de Lanaudière), Isabelle Levasseur (Table des partenaires en développement social de Lanaudière), Jocelyne St-André (Conseil régional des partenaires du marché du travail), Johanne Mc Millan (Director), Josée Mailhot (Carrefour jeunesse-emploi L'Assomption), Marie-Pier Blouin (Comité régional pour la promotion de la paternité dans Lanaudière), France Veillette (Bridgestone Canada inc.), Germaine Rioux (administrative secretary), Julie Blanchette (development officer) and Ann-Marie Picard (communications coordinator). PHOTO CREDIT Christian Rouleau

Source :
Ann-Marie Picard
Communications Coordinator, CREVALE
450 758-3585

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