Launch of the CYBF program in Matawinie

launch of SADC and CYBF partnership

SADC Matawinie local partner of the Canadian Youth Business Foundation in Matawinie

The Société d'aide au développement de la collectivité (SADC) Matawinie is proud to announce its new partnership with the Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF). A significant increase in the range of financial products and services for entrepreneurs aged 18 to 39.

The CYBF program aims to support young entrepreneurs aged 18 to 39, offering them personalized start-up support, online resources, financing and mentoring. For SADC Matawinie, in addition to the 25,000 $ available to young entrepreneurs via the Youth Strategy Fund, they can now benefit from 45,000 $ in additional CYBF financing, including 30,000 $ thanks to a partnership with the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC). "This is a winning partnership for young entrepreneurs in Matawinie, giving them access to capital of 70,000 $ in a single application."says Michaël Bellerose, SADC Business Advisor.

In addition to financing, entrepreneurs will benefit from networking with experienced business people, known as mentors, via the Matawinie Mentoring Cell. Mentors offer support to help entrepreneurs develop their ideas, clarify their objectives, gain a better understanding of the business environment and maintain their motivation. "It's an added value to support youth entrepreneurship in our MRC and increase the chances of success for our entrepreneurs", says Jacinthe Mailhot, coordinator of mentoring for entrepreneurs in Matawinie.

The improved services offered to young entrepreneurs in Matawinie are the fruit of close collaboration between SADC Matawinie, the Canadian Youth Business Federation, as well as the Centre local de développement (CLD) Matawinie and Carrefour jeunesse-emploi (CJE) Matawinie, with whom we partner for the Matawinie Mentoring cell.

CYBF program and eligibility criteria

Jacinthe Mailhot, Mentorat MatawinieBruno Ayotte, CJE MatawinieMichaël Bellerose, SADC MatawinieJean-Philippe L'Écuyer, CYBFJean-François HénaultCLD MatawinieMichel Clément, SADC Matawinie.


Supporting and accompanying entrepreneurs in their start-up and development projects

We can offer you flexible financing solutions tailored to your reality