Setting up a co-development group

Setting up a co-development group

What is a co-development group?

  • A co-development group is a peer-to-peer approach to development.
  • A co-development group is made up of five to ten people who meet monthly for 4 hours.

The objectives of entrepreneurial co-development 

  • Accompanying and supporting entrepreneurs as they grow
  • Develop a professional peer group
  • Learn to help and be helped by becoming a customer and consultant within the Group
  • Learning to work in a group

Roles within the group

  • The customer: Each entrepreneur in turn becomes the customer who consults the group on a concern.
  • The consultant: All participants become consultants for the entrepreneur applying for assistance.
  • Facilitation and moderation: A coordinator and mentor can supervise the group in a function with which they are comfortable.

Stages in the life of a co-development group 

  • An initial meeting to introduce participants and agree on how the meetings will work and how they will be run.
  • As many meetings as there are participants (because everyone must have a turn as a customer in front of the group).
  • Valuation and agreement to continue or dissolve the group

The usual consultation procedure

  • Preparing a written request for consultation
  • Presentation of the subject of consultation: problem to be solved or project to be undertaken
  • Clarification of the situation presented
  • Drawing up a consulting contract (type of consulting required)
  • Reactions, comments, suggestions from consultants: reflective exploration - suggestions
  • Summary and concrete courses of action
  • Identifying what each individual has learned

The stages of a focus group meeting

  • Tour de table, our success stories, our developments (15 minutes)
  • The 2 customers from the previous month tell us about their developments (30 minutes)
  • Consultation procedures (15 minutes)
  • 2 consultation files (including a break) (160 minutes)
  • Evaluation (15 minutes)
  • Date of next meeting

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